
Apricot Glow
A top 10 seller! Incredible orange and peach colored flowers.

Arizona Sunset
A top 10 seller! Known for its orange flowers with pink halos.

Betty Boom
A top 10 seller! Short spined and intense bi-colored flowers.

Betty's Gold
A low growing and very spiny plant with bright yellow flowers that last up to a week.

Big Insane Pink
A robust new hybrid of Flying Saucer and Serape. Large 8 inch flowers of bright pink inlayed with peach and yellow to give a stunning three dimensional look. New and limited

Cherry Wine
NEW release for 2020! A stunning Trichocereus cross with Cherry Red that is larger and more open with fading tones from pink in the center to dark red on the outer sepals. Limited in availability!

Cherry Red
A top 10 seller! Intense cupped fuchsia red flowers on gold spines. Robust grower.

Dutchman's Gold
A top 10 seller! Beautiful cupped gold/yellow flowers on a low mounding plant.

Dutchman's Orange
My hybrid from 2018. Beautiful cupped orange flowers on a low mounding plant.

Simply named for its electric fuchsia/purple flowers that truly glow.

Fire Engine Red
A great grower with numerous 4 inch intense red flowers.

First Light
My daughter's favorite! A robust grower with long spines that blooms a pink and white flower.

Flying Saucer
The most famous hybrid of all time and our #1 seller. Flowers can be up to 10 inches and are an intense pink with a yellow and green throat.

Fuente De Sangre
A fantastic 5 inch red flower and graceful clumper. One of the bet reds.

Giant White
a.k.a. Big Birtha
Our #1 selling white. Robust growing to 4 feet tall and clumping. Stem diameters can be 10 inches. Plant boasts 8 inch white flowers with mauve sepals.

A top seller and known for its fusha red flowers that hold well in hot weather. A robust grower to 3 feet and clumping.

Graser's Freude
A large 7 inch fuschia flower that pictures cannot capture. A stunning plant that slowly clumps to 2-3 feet tall and wide. Rare!

Hunsruck "Rubin"
A dark red, open flower that almost hints on burgundy in color. Very rare!

A tall growing specimen that can get 5-6 feet with age. Boasts stunning fuschia purple flowers. The closest to purple that we have.

Kristina Dickerhoff
A fantastic new European hybrid that has bronze/orange flowers with a deep pink throat. A robust grower and clumper. A must have in any collection. New and limited.

Mary Kay
A low clumping plant that grows 2-3 feet tall and has soft pastel pink flowers.

Sapphire Red
I can't say enough about this plant. One of our new releases that grows and clumps quickly and sports the most amazing fuschia and red flowers that look like they're on fire.

A species that clumps wider, then it gets tall. Beautiful, soft white flowers that always amaze.

A tall clumping species that grows straight up to 5-6 feet with age. Plant sports 7-8 inch white, semi-spider flowers.

Star Ruby
An unusual, spiny cactus that stays single up to three feet. Blooms beautiful, rose red flowers throughout the spring and summer months.

One of out best selling yellows. Clumping up tp 3 feet and sports 7 inch soft yellow flowers.

Super Apricot
A sought after plant due to its upright growth habit and short spines. This amazing hybrid has semi-serrated flowers that range from light orange in the center to magenta outer petals.

Super Orange
A uniquely different and fast growing plant that could also be classified under Hildewintera hybrids. The plant forms rambling clumps of stems up to 3 feet and has amazing orange serrated flowers.

A tall slender plant that can grow up to 4 feet with age. Holds numerous pink fushia flowers in boquet fashon on the top of the plant.

Vanilla Ice
A fat clumping plant that gets to 3 feet tall and has ivory white flowers that have cupped petals and recurving sepals.

Volcanic Sunset
A robust growing plant that has reddish spines that glow in the late afternoon sun. Flowers are a unique blend of salmon and orange color.

Western Peach
A fantastic clumping plant that can get 3-4 feet with age. Sports numerous soft peach colored 6 inch flower.